Creating a return package in SDL Studio Trados 2019

Creating a return package in SDL Studio Trados 2019

This is the guide about Creating a return package in SDL Studio Trados 2019, that help you to use SDL Studio Trados 2019 easier.

Assume you have completed the translation of all files sent to you in a package and now want to return your work to your customer (typically your project manager). To do this, return your work in a return package. Once the package is created, you can send it by email, post on an FTP site or use any other method. SDL WorldServer packages can be uploaded directly to WorldServer.

Note: Returning work in return packages is only used if you have received files for translation in a project package.

Creating a return package


  1. In the Project view, select Home tab > Packages group > Create Return Package. The Create Return Package wizard is displayed on the Select Files All files in the project are included in the list apart from reference files.
    The option to create a return package is not available in the Sample Project because you have not originally received any files in a project package.
  1. Select or clear the check boxes next to the file names on the Select Files page to include or exclude them from the package. If you have previously included any of the files displayed in another return package, those files will not be selected by
  2. Click Next to go to the Return Package Options
  3. Click Browse to open the Save Return Package dialog Browse to the location where you want to save the return package, enter Sample Project Return as the return package name for the return package in the File name box and click Save.
    Note: If you are returning a SDL WorldServer package, you can choose the Server option on the Return Package Options page to upload the package directly to WorldServer.
  1. If you want to add a comment to the return package, enter it in the Comment
  2. Click Finish to create the package and go to the Creating Return Package
  3. Once the package creation is complete, the status next to the package name changes to Completed.
  4. You can choose to send the return package by email to the appropriate team member by clicking Send Packages by Email.
  5. Alternatively, to send the package by a different method such as placing it on a FTP site, click Open Target Folder to open the folder where your return package is
  6. Click the Close button to close the Create Return Package

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