This is the guide about Project templates in SDL Studio Trados 2019, that help you to use SDL Studio Trados 2019 easier.
Project templates reduce the amount of time and effort involved in creating new projects by reusing settings and selections used to create previous projects. Project templates have the file name extension *.sttpl.
You can save the project settings to a template and then select this template when you create further projects. When you select a project template, the settings and selections in the template are applied to the new project. You can modify the settings in the new project.
Default and custom templates
A default template is provided with SDL Trados Studio. The settings in this template are taken from the Options dialog.
A custom template requires that you save the project settings to a template, and then select this template when you create further projects. When you select a project template, the settings and selections in the template are applied to the new project. You can also edit a template that has already been used to create a project, but the changes to the template will not be reflected in the previously created project.
Project template settings
Project template settings enable you to manage:
- Language Pairs
- Translation Memories
- Termbases
- AutoSuggest Dictionaries
- Automated Translation Servers
- File Type Settings
- Translation Memory Settings
- Batch Processing Settings
- Translation Quality Assessment configurations
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