Tracking file status in SDL Studio Trados 2019

Tracking file status in SDL Studio Trados 2019

This is the guide about Tracking file status in SDL Studio Trados 2019, that help you to use SDL Studio Trados 2019 easier.

The file status is based on the translation status of each segment in the file. This can be viewed from the Projects and Files view.

About this task

At key points throughout the translation project, statistics about the status of each segment is stored in the project file in order to give a quick overview of the state of one or more files, and the progress of the project as a whole.

The file status can be tracked:

  • After initial project preparation
  • When a file is saved in the Editor view
  • On-demand by the User (Apply the Translation Count task to the selected files)


  1. Go to the Projects view and double-click the project for which you want to track files.
  2. Go to the Files view.
    Note: If you are working with an online project, select Refresh View to see the most up-to-date statistics.
  3. In the box at the top of the Files view navigation pane, select the required target language. Project files for the target language are displayed on the right.
  4. The status of the file is displayed in the Status column on the right.

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