Report analysis counts in SDL Studio Trados 2019

Report analysis counts in SDL Studio Trados 2019

This is the guide about Report analysis counts in SDL Studio Trados 2019, that help you to use SDL Studio Trados 2019 easier.

The analysis process counts the different types of matches by segments, words, characters, recognized tokens or tags. The table below describes what each count includes.

Counted By

Counted By Description

This counts per segment. A segment typically is equivalent to one sentence.


This count includes recognized tokens but not tags. Each recognized token is counted as a single word.


This count includes all of the characters within the translatable text except for spaces and tags. Recognized tokens are counted.


This counts the percentage of words with that match type.

Recognized Tokens

This count includes a tag count.


Each tag is counted individually, therefore a pair of tags is counted as two tags.

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