Generating reports in SDL Studio Trados 2019

Generating reports in SDL Studio Trados 2019

This is the guide about Generating reports in SDL Studio Trados 2019, that help you to use SDL Studio Trados 2019 easier.

Reports in SDL Trados Studio display data which was collected when batch tasks were run on the project files. You can run some batch tasks when a project is created, while you can run other batch tasks at any time. If the report you want to view is not available, it is because you need to run the batch task that generate the report data.


  1. Log on to SDL Trados Studio.
  2. Do one of the following:
To generate the Run the
Analyze Files report, Analyze files batch task. The data that appears in this report is generated during project creation. You can also run the report at anytime during the project life-cycle.
Apply PerfectMatch report, Apply PerfectMatch task. The data that appears in this report is generated during project creation. You can also run the report at anytime during the project life-cycle.
Pre-translate report, Pre-translate files task. The data that appears in this report is generated during project creation. You can also run the report at anytime during the project life-cycle.
Translation Count report, Translation Count task. You can run the report at any time during the project life-cycle. This task is also included in the Analyze Only task sequence.
Verify Files report, Verify Files task. You normally run this task after files have been translated and/or reviewed.
Word Count report, Word Count task. You can run the report at any time during the project life-cycle.
Update Main Translation Memories report, Update Main Translation Memories task . You normally run this task at the end of the project life-cycle after files have been translated and reviewed. This task is also part of the Finalize task sequence.
Update Project Translation Memories report, Update Project Translation Memories task. You can run this task at any time during the project life-cycle.
Translation Quality Assessment report, Translation Quality Assessment task. You can run this task when you hold both the translated file and the reviewed file, so that you can compare the two files from the point of view of the TQA items.
Work in Progress (WIP) report, Work in Progress (WIP) task. You can run this task at any time during the project life-cycle to check the overall confirmation level of your segments.

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