Managing batch processing settings in SDL Studio Trados 2019

Managing batch processing settings in SDL Studio Trados 2019

This is the guide about Managing batch processing settings in SDL Studio Trados 2019, that help you to use SDL Studio Trados 2019 easier.

You can run batch task sequences on your project or project files. SDL Trados Studio provides batch task sequences with default settings which you can modify according to your needs.


  1. Go to the Projects view and select the project.
  2. Go to the Home tab, and select Project Settings from the Ribbon.
  3. Select Language Pairs > [source language] – [target language] > Batch Processing from the navigation on the left. The Batch Processing page is displayed on the right. Select your required settings for:
    • Pseudo-translate
      1. Under Pseudo-translate type, specify how words are selected from the target language dictionaries to simulate translation.
      2. Under Leading/Trailing characters, specify settings to mark the start and end of each string to indicate that pseudo-translation has been applied to that paragraph or segment.
      3. Under Text length modification, in the Expand target segments by factor box, select a number by which text length is multiplied in the pseudo-translate process.
      4. Under Text transformation, choose either of the following options to control the way the pseudo-translated text is rendered.
    • Analyze Files
      1. Select the Report Cross-file Repetitions checkbox, so that cross-file repetitions are counted. This option counts segments that are duplicates of segments in a different file being analyzed in the same task. The number of repetitions (identical segments that occur more than once) in each file is counted by default in a separate repetitions count.
      2. Select the Report internal fuzzy match leverage checkbox, so that the Analyze Files report shows the internal fuzzy match word counts. Internal fuzzy match analysis calculates the maximum additional leverage that can be obtained by the translator interactively translating the file with a TM. It assumes that the translator will translate the file from start to end, segment by segment. After each segment is confirmed, the TM is updated, and the best match applied to the next segment.
      3. Select the Report locked segments as a separate category checkbox, so that the Analyze Files report displays all the locked segments found in the files as a separate category. Knowing how many locked segments are in the project files can help you better estimate the time required to translate the file, as you would not normally need to translate or edit locked files.
      4. Select the Exclude locked segments from analysis checkbox, so that the Analyze Files report excludes all the locked segments found in the files. Skipping locked segments from the active analysis improves analysis speed, especially for files with PerfectMatches and with locked 100% and Context matches.
      5. Under Unknown Segments, decide whether you want to export unknown segments.
      6. Under Frequent Segments, decide whether you want to export frequent segments.
    • Verify Files – Select the Report ignored messages checkbox if you want to consult ignored messages.
    • Project Translation Memories
    • Translation Memory Updates
Select To
Merge translation units Replace with the latest translation only TUs that have matching context. All the other TUs with the same source segment remain unchanged. This is the default and recommended option for updating TMs.
Add new translation units Add translations that have the statuses below as new TUs to the TM. This means that the existing TUs in the TM are not overwritten.
Overwrite existing translation units Import the new TUs and overwrite the existing TUs in the TM.
Leave translation units unchanged Keep the existing TUs and not import the new ones.

For server-based TMs, this option is only available if the TM you are updating is available on an SDL Trados GroupShare server, version 2014 SP2 or later.

Keep most recent translation units Keep the most recently changed TU. SDL Trados Studio imports a TU whose source segment is identical to that of an existing TU only if the imported unit is newer than the existing one. If the change date of the TU for import is older than the change date of the existing one, SDL Trados Studio does not replace the existing TU.

For server-based TMs, this option is only available if the TM you are updating is available on a Trados GroupShare server, version 2014 SP2 or later.

      1. Under Segment status specify which TUs are included in the TM update. Select the checkboxes corresponding to the TU status of choice. Three statuses are selected by default: TranslatedTranslation Approved and Signed off.
      2. Select TM User ID to edit your TM username. The TM User ID is used to indicate who added or last edited a translation memory unit. Make sure that you are using an ID by which the project manager can easily identify you
    • Export Files
      1. Under Export files to the following location, consult the default export location (C:\Users\[name]\Documents\Export Files) or select Browse to choose another location.
      2. Under File version to export, select the file version you want to export: Target versionLatest bilingual version or Current version.
    • PerfectMatch – Clear the Ignore formatting during PerfectMatch process checkbox if you do not want to have formatting applied to text while PerfectMatch is applied.

4. Configure other project settings if necessary and select OK.

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