Managing reports in SDL Studio Trados 2019

Managing reports in SDL Studio Trados 2019

This is the guide about Managing reports in SDL Studio Trados 2019, that help you to use SDL Studio Trados 2019 easier.

The available reports display the data collected from the batch tasks that were run on the project files. Some batch tasks are run upon project creation, while others can be run at any time.

The following reports are available in SDL Trados Studio

  • Analyze Files
  • Translation Quality Assessment
  • Apply PerfectMatch
  • Pre-Translate Files
  • Translation Count
  • Verify Files
  • Word Count
  • Update TMs
  • WIP report (Work in Progress)

If the report you want to view is not available, it is because you need to run the batch task that generates the report data.

Report access and display

Reports are accessed from the Reports view. All of the reports in this view contain data for the active project. If you want to see reports for a different project, you must make that project the active project in the Projects view. The Reports view is only available for selection if there is an active project.

When a report is selected in the Reports view, it is displayed as an HTML page in the main part of the window. You can view the reports by language or by report type. It can also be downloaded and saved as an HTML file or spreadsheet, for example. You can also delete the report from the project, print the report, print a report preview and adjust the page setup using the Home tab.

Some of the reports, for example Analyze Files, contain hyperlinks which open up the files in the Editor window in the Editor view. If a cross is shown next to the link, these are files which have been merged physically when the project was created. Selecting the cross will expand the merged files to show the data for each individual file.

  • Report descriptions
    The table below describes each report.
  • Report settings
    Report settings control the project and file information users can consult.
  • Report analysis counts
    The analysis process counts the different types of matches by segments, words, characters, recognized tokens or tags. The table below describes what each count includes.
  • Generating reports
    Reports in SDL Trados Studio display data which was collected when batch tasks were run on the project files. You can run some batch tasks when a project is created, while you can run other batch tasks at any time. If the report you want to view is not available, it is because you need to run the batch task that generate the report data.
  • Viewing reports
    You can consult all the available reports and their details to check the projects’ progress or results.
  • Printing reports
    You can print the reports that detail your projects’ progress and results any time. Printed reports can be stored for reference or presented as first-hand information to stakeholders.
  • Saving reports
    You can save reports and store them for future reference any time. Several formats are available.
  • Saving multiple reports
    You can save multiple reports in one shot if the reports concern the same language or if the same report type applies to several languages.
  • Deleting reports
    You can delete individual or multiple reports whenever necessary to maintain an accurate report database.

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