This is the guide about Reviewing in SDL Trados Studio 2019, that help you to use SDL Studio Trados 2019 easier.
After translating both documents, you or a dedicated reviewer may want to review the translations. If you still have the document open from the previous section, save and close the document now
Note: If you have a reviewer that does not have SDL Trados Studio, for example a subject matter expert, you can also export for external review in Word.
Opening and reviewing the sample file
To follow along with this exercise in the application, use the Sample Project. If this project is not the active (currently selected) project, display the Projects view and double-click on Sample Project.
About this task Procedure
- Click the Files button in the views navigation pane to display the Files
- Right-click on the doc.sdlxliff file and select Open for Review from the shortcut menu. The file is automatically opened in the Editor view.
When you open a file for review, the screen layout in the Editor view changes to the review layout and the list of statuses available to apply to segments changes to show review statuses only.
Approving Translations
When you have finished reviewing a segment, you should confirm the segment to indicate that the translation is approved or reject the translation.
- Place your cursor in the target translation in segment 1 and press Ctrl+Enter or click the Confirm (Translation Approved)
button in the Segment Actions group on the Home tab of the Editor
When you approve a translation:
- The segment status is changed to Approved and the following icon is displayed in the segment status column
- Segment verification is also Segment verification errors are displayed in the Messages window.
Rejecting translations using tracking changes
The Track Changes feature allows you to see any changes that you make to the translated text alongside the original text. This allows your suggestions to be compared to the original text. This feature is automatically turned on when you choose the Open for Review command with a document for the first time.
About this task
The current translation for photo printer in segment 2 is Fotodrucker. Assume the customer has asked you to change the translation to Drucker instead. Use the Track Changes feature to suggest the replacement word for Fotodrucker.
- When you approved the translation in the last step, your cursor was automatically placed in the next unapproved segment which is segment 2. Delete the term Fotodrucker and then type the replacement term, Drucker. When you do this:
- Fotodrucker is displayed in red with a line through it to indicate that you have deleted this word. Drucker is now displayed in purple with a line underneath to show that you inserted this word. When the document is sent back to the translator they can right-click on each sugges- tion and accept or reject your changes.
- The segment status is changed to Rejected and the following icon is displayed in the segment status column
Rejecting translation using comments
Adding comments allows you to explain what is wrong with a translation. You can add a comment to the current target segment, selected text in the target segment or the whole document.
About this task
Add a comment to explain why you replaced the term Fotodrucker with Drucker in segment 2.
- In the translation in segment 2, select Fotodrucker Drucker by highlighting it and then press Ctrl+Shift+N or right-click and select Add Comment from the shortcut menu. Complete the dialog box as shown below and click OK to add the comment:
The comment now appears in the Comments window. When you added this comment:
- The text to which you attached the comment is highlighted in pale red, which indicates the severity level of the comment is an Error.
- If the segment is not already rejected, the segment status is changed to Rejected and the following icon is displayed in the segment status column: .
- Text with an attached comment can also be highlighted in pale yellow if it has a For your information severity level or pale orange if it has a warning severity
Rejecting translations manually
You can also choose to manually reject segments. Since you inserted a comment above to indicate that you want to use the term Drucker instead of Fotodrucker, reject any other translations that are using the term.
- Place your cursor in segment 3, press Ctrl+Shift+Enter or click the
Reject (Translation Rejected) button on button in the Segment Actions group on the Home tab of the Editor
- The segment status is changed to Rejected and the
Reject icon is displayed in the segment status
Rejecting translation using TQA
As a more advanced review mode, you also have the possibility to use the Translation Quality Assurance (TQA) to measure the quality of the translation using custom quality criteria.
About this task
Set up quality metrics that matter to you, weigh their importance and set up a TQA framework. This framework guides the reviewers when evaluating translations and enables SDL Trados Studio to determine the quality of a translation automatically.
Approving remaining segments
Assume you have finished reviewing the entire document and that you have not rejected any of the other translations. You can approve all of the remaining segments at the same time.
- To approve all translations that have not already been rejected or approved:
- Click
- A prompt is displayed. Review the message and then click Yes.
- Any translations that do not have a status of Translation Approved or Translation Rejected are now changed to Translation Approved and the document is saved and closed.
Entering corrections
When you are reviewing a document or entering corrections for a document that has been reviewed, you can use the display filters to filter out the translations that still need to be reviewed or to find translations that need corrections.
Segment review display filters
About this task
SDL Trados Studio includes filters that allow you to only display the translations that you want to review and filter out the rest. When you are reviewing a document or entering corrections based on reviewer feedback, there are two key categories.
Review Filter Categories Description | |
Segment Review Statuses | Use this to view translations based on the segment status. For example, you can choose to only display segments with a status of Translation rejected. This would allow you to review all segments with this status that have corrections that need to be made. |
Segment Review | Use this to view translations that have:
You can apply these filters using the Display Filter group available on the Review tab in the Editor view.
Using the display filters
Assume that you have received corrections back from the reviewer. Use display filters to find the translations that need corrections.
About this task
If you still have the document open from the previous section, save and close the document now.
To follow along with this exercise in the application, use the Sample Project. If this project is not the active (currently selected) project, display the Projects view and double-click on Sample Project.
- In the Files view, right-click on the doc.sdlxliff file and select Open for Translation from shortcut menu. The file is automatically opened in the Editor view.
- To display any content that needs corrections; filter to only show translations with a status of Translation Rejected.
- Click Translation rejected in the Display Filter group on the Review
Segments 2 and 3 are displayed. These were both rejected by the reviewer in the last exercise because the customer wants to use the term Drucker instead of Fotodrucker.
Accepting suggested changes (Track Changes)
Accept the suggested changes:
- Place your cursor in the middle of the term Fotodrucker and press Ctrl+Shift+F9 or right-click and select Accept Change. The word is removed from the
- Perform the same action with the other tracked change Press Ctrl+Enter to confirm the translation.
Generating the translated document
Assume you have completed the translation of the sample document. Generate the final version of the translated document.
- If you have closed the doc.sdlxliff file, open the file again in the Editor view.
- Select File > Save Target As.
Save the final word document, for instance as SamplePhotoPrinter-Translated.doc.
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